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I Have Some Exciting News!

I have some exciting news that I’ve been waiting to share with you…

As a Interactive Metronome Brain Training Specialist and Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, I work help parents of ADHD children.

For the past several months, I’ve been putting together a brand guide called BETTER BEHAVIOR AT HOME: HEALTHY HABITS TO SUPPORT MY ADHD CHILD for parents with ADHD children.

In the FREE Guide I’m sharing healthy habits to incorporate with your ADHD child, how to help your child’s mind, body, and emotions, how you can avoid certain things that exacerbate ADHD, and how to help your ADHD child be responsible. This FREE Guide will support you as you’re parenting your children who struggle with the symptoms of ADHD.

If you’d like a copy comment below and I’ll send the link over via private message.

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